The Worst Kind Of Cheesecake

Dang, Richard, what's your secret?


(But who's counting, eh? EH?)


They asked for some cute teddy bears for their wedding cake topper. Teddy bears. Those aren't so hard, right?

They got this:


Not only did someone shave those monkeys, they stole their noses as well.


Jennifer sent in this ad with, I think, some legitimate concerns:




... but what KIND of cheese?


 Then Robin discovered it can be even worse if they spell it out:



Watch out for this bakery, btw; I've heard they'll bleed you dry.


And finally, 
Out there:


Beneath the "SALE" store light!

Thanks to Ellen K., T.S., Jennifer A., Robin R., & Erin B. for letting me get my Fievel on.

Oh, and in related news, I found a soccer game I think I could actually play:

Finger Football Game

The fact that the package is labeled "Finager" Game is just the wrecky cherry on top.

(Dibs on the orange socks, John.)

And from my other blog, Epbot:

I Literally Can't Think Of Any More Literal Puns

Oooh, look, they remembered the H this time!

That joke totally makes sense if you remember The Cake That Started It All
(Or the cover of the Cake Wrecks book.)


"So what do you want me to write?"

Gotta love how the baker drew her own reaction .gif.


"Any special design or colors?"

"No, just a 'Happy Birthday' theme."


"Did you say you wanted a number?"

"Yeah, a big 10."


"Anything else?"



Thanks to Cynthia H., Donna B., Erik N., Maria N., & Rachel R., who knows REAL men use antlers in all of their decorating. ("Oh what a guy, Gas-TOOOOOON!")


Oh btw, if you want your own literal LOL in a more permanent material, Amazon has just the thing:

Screen Shot 2019-08-11 at 11.52.36 PM.jpg

“Written in Stone” Stone

For the person you never want to take for granite.

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