The Two "No"s Know That Nose


1) This is not how you build "character"


Mmm. Cactus-y.


2) Worms are never appetizing.


Like, never ever ever.



Speaking of character cakes, does anyone else think Mickey Mouse had work done?


I mean, that nose is definitely a little smaller.


This bakery told Helen her cake had no room for writing, but they *could* give her a "Happy Birthday" plaque to stick on top. She agreed...

....and got this:




Our thoughts exactly.


And lastly, Shannon asked her bakery to write "Happy Birthday From" and then use a graphic of her company's logo.

And would you believe THEY DID?! - except with one small, un-asked-for addition:



Let's zoom in, shall we?


High-five, Shannon's baker. HIGH FIVE.


Thanks to Jenny S., Karen R., Deanna B., Helen G., & Shannon J. for the new life goals.


Maybe I can't feed you cake, but I CAN show you this adorable Minnie Mouse pop-up one:

LovePop Minnie Mouse Pop-Up Card

The listing says this adorable card is for birthdays, but it's really all-occasion, and would be a sweet pick-me-up to mail to that friend you can't visit right now.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

This Just In

While I agree that cake makes even bad news at least a little sweeter, there's still a right and a wrong way to break some news.

This is why fortune tellers should never become bakers.

[on the phone] "No, of course we're not celebrating that you didn't get parole, Trish; there's a frowny face on your cake and everything!"

Why, yes, that IS a used pregnancy test on the cake.

"People, I have some good news, and I have some bad news. The good news: This is our last all-day staff meeting! Yeah!

"The bad news: We're going out of business because we can't afford the mortgage any longer.

"But wait! There's more good news: we have a cake."

"Oh, and more bad news: they spelled 'mortgage' wrong. Still, if one of you can get this baker fired and then take his or her job, then that's actually good news, right? Right? Guys? Where are you going? Hey, at least leave me a slice of cake! C'mon!"

Alicia A., Natalie H., Anony M., & Morganna B. were recognized as "Wreckporters of the Day" this morning in a brief online ceremony. Sadly, they received no cake.


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