Friday Favs 11/21/14

(Warning: Mildly naughty stuff ahead)

Some of my favorite new submissions this week:


For Lori's 30th birthday her friends thought it would be cute to get her a "2nd quinceañera" cake - quinceañera being the popular Latin American celebration of a girl's 15th birthday.

Now, Lori's baker may not know how to spell "quinceañera," but darned if she isn't a wiz with Hooked on Phonics:

Go on. Read it aloud.


See, now I want to call up this bakery and order something in Klingon, just to see what I get.



The trouble with naming your child Clint:




Never fear, Faith's clown hat is here!



I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but some bakeries are already gearing up for the most politically correct time of the year:

Peace on earth. Goodwill toward non-gender-specific beings.


Oh! But you know what's NOT genderless?

This soccer team's cake:

Q: What's that shooting out from the tip?

A: I dunno, but I do know this:

"He shoots, he scooooores!!"


Thanks to Lori B., Ryan C., Ben W., Lori M., & Amanda M. for a real blast.


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