Oh Stuff It

Unfortunately for us all, turkey cakes are a thing.
I guess I can live with this, but why - WHY - do bakers have to add the stuffing?

"Ahh, the ol' 'Fido's head exploded' design. Nice!


But can we add a few blood stains?"



"Now how about some moldy green bits? And can we make the turkey into a dirty paper bag?"



"Next, throw in a weird body cavity that makes everyone vaguely uncomfortable..."

"Oooh, and is that dog food in there? I LIKE. Give me more.


"Yes, yes, yes! AHAHAHAA!!!"


"But now I'm tired of stuffing. Let's go back to making those weird round ball things."





(Hey. Waaaiit a second.....)



Thanks to Karen M., Karen L., Meg, Amy B., Terri W., Jessica C., Laura W., Rebekah, & Cortney of Rock City Cake Co. for guaranteeing I'll never look at a turkey cake the same way again. (And for having a wicked sense of humor!)


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