A Matter Of Degrees

Graduates, this one's for you:

And hey, I MEAN THAT. [wink wink][finger guns][honking red clown nose]

What, you can't read it? Have you tried brushing it with lemon juice and holding it over a candle?
'Cuz I think that's how it works.


Of course, every baker knows plastic is the easiest way to send a message. Just ask for the "Grad Plaque."

Then stand back, and watch the magic happen.


Now, Jacquie ordered a cake for the graduates of 2014, which means this next photo is either 2 years old, or they're really into delayed "gradification." (Sha-WING!)

Don't be distracted by my master punmanship, though; the important thing to remember here is this cake is SUPPOSED to have 2014 on it:

It, uh, may help if you say 2014 out loud.

Theeeere it is.


And finally, for one last Sha-WING! and a miss, scroll down:

Beth ordered the one up top, and got the one that hangs low.

I think I speak for us all when I say: that's one way to get to the head of the class.


Thanks to Casey R., April M., Jacquie W., and Beth L., who I'm guessing graduated summa cum laude.


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