Fri Favs 7/22/16

Some of my favorite new submissions this week:


I think I'm ready to start eating more fruit, you guys.

I'll, uh, have what she's having.


Over at Epcot (the theme park, not our resident bunker) Disney recently replaced the old Maelstrom ride with a Frozen-themed one. This upset a lot of fans, of course, because Maelstrom was the ONLY Disney ride to prominently feature an enormous offshore drilling rig.

So Maelstrom fans, this one's for you:

They didn't want the words "drilling rig," of course, just a picture of one. Much like the chocolate oil drips and all the Maelstrom quotes about to flood the comments, that's just a bonus.


And hey, while I'm rocking the boat, here's a Brexit cake of a butt-bottomed champagne bottle and a cork that looks like wrinkly balls:


Too soon?



Thanks to Cheryl K., Ashley M., & Fay H., who I'm sure joins me in wondering if that nutty baker was later sacked.


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