Friday Favs 2/17/17

Some of my favorite new submissions this week:


Ever get the feeling something's missing?

Like the second cake Jessie ordered?

Or any semblance of reading comprehension?


LEGO Batman is all the rage right now, so here:

...something to rage over.

(Or maybe sh** a brick? I'll show myself out.)


And finally, when you ask for "The Cake Is Not A Lie," (a classic Portal reference) and get what I'm pretty sure is the creepiest thing I've ever read:

Just keep telling yourself that.


While you wrestle with that nightmare fuel...

...appropriate Portal song is appropriate:

(If you're super confused right now, play the game. Trust me. It's amazing.)


Thanks to Jessie A., Jeff E., & David E. for the most perfect song setup of all time. This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: "HUGE SUCCESS."


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