Celebrating the "Yes" with a bunch of "No"s

There are usually a lot of weddings in June, so I know you're getting sick of all those perfectly lovely wedding and engagement cakes by now, aren't you? [patting your hand] Well don't you worry, dear; that's what I'm here for.

First, fellas, take note: This is NOT how you do it.

"So I was picking up some salami, right? And I see this cupcake thing. Anyway, long story short, I figure, hey, it's cheaper than a real one, and I could go for some nosh right now anyway..."


Once the engagement is set, some couples like to celebrate by getting something big, shiny, and misspelled:


While others like adopting fun new aliases...


Some couples like to keep the guests guessing:

"So did they get their degree, or are they getting married?"
(Answer: getting married. Yes, really.)


Or freaking out the family with something that looks like it should come with a ransom note:


"Pay up, Bub, or your fiance loses her other hand."


Hey, Paula T., Anony, Veronica, Amanda G., & Anony 2, [pointing with two fingers] engage.

(I've always wanted to do that.)



BONUS FUN FACT: Not only is that final cake one of my favorite wrecks of all time, it also had a hand in (get it??) two readers getting engaged back in 2015!

 Now that's romance.



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