Militarized Pool Noodles

Some folks ordered a cake shaped like the Pentagon, and to be safe, even brought in a picture:



They got this:


(The misspelling is what I call "adding insult to a headdesk-induced injury.")


Next Jas ordered this bright and beautiful design:



But instead, she got liquefied pool noodles:


Mmm. Now there's a texture to get your mouth watering!

(Srsly, what do you have to do to icing to make it look like that? Do I even want to know? Because if it involves someone's toothbrush, I'm pretty sure I don't want to.)


And finally, I'm going to end with something that's not cake, but trust me, it's worth it.

See, the group "Sisters By Grace" sent flowers to one of their members a while back, and the card turned up looking like this:


The Sister's Bike Race. Ha!

Ah, but wait, it gets better.

Naturally, the Sisters reacted to the goof by doing what any sensible group would do:

They turned it into the group's official t-shirts.


They even included the "love & prayer's" line. :D

See? Told ya it was worth it.


Thanks to Sheri, Jas C., & Julie P. for giving non-baking wreckerators a little race.


P.S. I just found MY kind of bike race:

"Tour de Pizza" Cutter

This cuteness is actually a PIZZA CUTTER - both wheels cut! - so you can race it through your pizza without ever breaking a sweat. It even comes with a little kickstand, omigosh.


And from my other blog, Epbot: