Twice Makes Nice

Remember, bakers, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.


Perhaps I should rephrase that.



Oh! How about this:

If at first you don't succeed, do something different the second time.


Going in circles, we are.


See, generally you're going to want to erase your first attempt, and then try to improve things the second time.


Hey, way to put the "DUN DUN DUNNN" in redundant!


Don't worry, though; with a little practice and repetition, you too can tell people to go pee themselves.



Go, go, go!

Thanks to Cat W., Laurie M., Christina A., & Terry L.

Thanks to Cat W., Laurie M., Christina A., & Terry L.


P.S. In case this post wasn't painful enough:

Exceptionally Bad Dad Jokes

There are a lot of "dad joke" books out there, but this one has awesome ratings AND the word "spiffing" on the cover, so it's a clear winner.


And from my other blog, Epbot: