Sunday Sweets Gets Suspended!

But not like that.

Like this!


(By Ponquecitos and Cakes)

Yes, today is all about cakes enchanted by Molly Weasley, because CLEARLY there is magic at work here. Beautiful, delicious magic.


FACT: Everything is more adorable round. Even elephants.


(By Sonhos de Encantar)

They remind me of the Rollin' Safari videos. (Which I just had to go watch again.) Cracks me up every. single. time.


And this one looks like a surrealist painting:


(By Divina Tentacion)


Now, your moment of Zen:


(By Antonio's Kitchen)

How can something be so peaceful and mind-blowing at the same time?
The rock garden base! The natural textures! Stone, moss, wood - there are even tiny lily pads in the center. WOW.


Then there's this:


(By Laura Loukaides)

I've seen a lot of suspended pour cakes, peeps, but this? This is the best one. Look closely; the cream is even splashing UP off the strawberries!


A cake doesn't have to float to break my brain, though; sometimes it can just be a perfectly balanced circle:


(By Anna Maria Cake Design)

What do you guys think of that design? Funky cool, right? I love the dots.


Right, you know the drill:


(By Homemade Sweetness)

Dewalt, I believe? :D

So a drill is a hard thing to sculpt anyway, but then to levitate it? And use the "sawdust" to spell out "Dad"? GENIUS.


I was so distracted by all the cute on this next one it took me a minute to realize how clever the construction is:


(By Sharon WeeFaye CahillAnna Maria, and Margie Carter)

I'm pretty sure that mouse is NOT holding up the cake slice; it's being supported through the cake itself. Which is incredible.


And one last gravity-defying show-stopper for your Sunday:


(By Sweet Temptations)

I see ocean waves carrying flowers - how about you? And look at that tiny point supporting the entire structure, which is perfectly straight! Ahhh-mazing.


Hope you enjoyed getting suspended with Sweets today! Happy weekend, everyone!


P.S. Found some pretties YOU can suspend... in your windows:

Crystal Suncatchers 6 PK

I love how different they all are! I recently made a crescent moon wreath with glass drops hanging from it, these would have been perfect for that.


And from my other blog, Epbot: