'Tis The Season

It's hard to capture all the magic of the season in a single cake, but by jove, I think this bakery's gone and done it:

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling all warm and tingly inside.


What do you think, Ambivalent Snowmen?



Oh! That reminds me:

'Tis the season to pick up your custom order at the bakery, realize how awful it is as you're walking away, and dump the wreck in the cheese case before making a hasty get-away:


Fa la la la la laaaaaaaa...

La la




Thanks to Lindsay G., Carla L., Cathy C., & Helen A. for the worst foot-in-mouth situation I've seen in ages.


P.S. Now that it's *almost* scarf weather in Florida let me show you my new favorite find:

The CVS Receipt Scarf
Y'all. It's soft, it goes with everything, and it's a giant CVS receipt. Talk about a hilarious-but-useful gift - or the best reveal when someone compliments your look.

(Just a reminder that everything you purchase through my daily Amazon links - even if it's not that item! - helps support me and John, so thank you! You can also see a list of some of my favorite linked items here.)


And from my other blog, Epbot: