All Dolled Up & Nowhere To Run

Believe it or not, doll cakes can be tricky!


Stick the doll in too low, and she looks like she's being swallowed:


Too high, and she's being abducted by aliens:


Not to mention there's all that pesky "understanding how a doll cake works" thing:

"Wait... the cake is supposed to be her skirt? OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"


Happily bakers are putting their own spin on the classic doll cake, though, and now there are so many more styles to choose from! Like:

The "Just Woke Up From A Weekend In Vegas":

Best served with warm Tequila and a cold shower.


The "Smart Women Stand In Blue Meringue Pies":


The "Fish Story":

She's little in the middle but she's got much... tail?


The "Frozen Princess... Defrosted":


Oh, and that reminds me:



And finally, my very favorite:

The "Creepy Doll Bridal Party":

This one has a fun feature: when the time comes to cut the cake, they all turn their little heads in your direction and just. STARE.


Thanks to Tina L. Sandra, Anne S., Kylie M., Kimberly C., Lia A., Katy M., Meghan W., & Kelly K. for getting all dolled up on us.

(If you're wondering why that last one's my favorite - and you have a high tolerance for creepy dolls - you might like this. :D)


P.S. It's not exactly a doll skirt, but I *do* have a dress for y'all that's frickin' BATS:

Scoop-Neck Sundress, Your Choice of 25 Patterns

I don't care how hot it is outside, FALL IS COMING so just let me have this. Besides, the dress also comes in taco cats, galaxy prints, rainbow unicorns, and lots more fun patterns. Plus the stretchy material is kinda like a bathing suit? Which I know sounds weird, but is AMAZING for summer. I wear these year-round, and love the heck out of them.


And from my other blog, Epbot: