Kids These Days

Education can never start too early. Which is why I, for one, am happy to see all the things kids are learning from their birthday cakes. You know, things like....

...friendly hand gestures:


And where Spider-Man's web comes from:

Watch it go!


Then there are the helpful anatomy lessons:

I think it's safe to say that Bailey really, REALLY enjoyed his Bar Mitzvah party.


Not to mention the legal drinking age:

Hint: that's not it.

And perhaps the best life lesson of all: one of the hazards of mixing boobs with beer:

Hey, it could be worse. You could be on 16 And Pregnant and be rewarded for your questionable life choices with money and fame.

There. Don't you feel better now?


Thanks to Sarah G., Anony M., Tanya G., M.M., and Jenae B. for the education.