Sunday Sweets: Early Easter

I know a lot of you like to make your own Easter cakes, so I thought I'd post Easter Sweets a week early this year, you know, for inspiration. [jazz hands]

Plus, I even managed to find a few Sweets we mere mortals can make, like this super-simple but oh-so-pretty Robin's Egg number:

(By The Cake Blog)

Hit that link for the step-by-step tutorial!


Or how about this fun and fondant-free beauty?

(By Hanielas)

I love the design - the polka-dotted bunny cookie! - and I adore those colors. It's just so gosh-darn cheerful.


Higher up on the skill level, but I bet a lot of you could really dig in to this bunny cake:

(By CakeCentral member SeptBabyMom)

One of the best bunny butt cakes I've seen - and how is it possible to make a carrot that cute?


You're probably expecting one of those traditional lamb cakes now, but after extensive research I've determined even the pros can't make them look all that great. ("Shredded coconut sheep dogs for everyone!!")

So instead, how 'bout this cutie?

(By Cake Central member JankaT)

The swirly "fur" is the best.


And now on to more Sweets I don't have a prayer of replicating - but that'll never stop me from dreaming & drooling, man!

(By Vanilla Cake Boutique)

It's all about that bow. And the frilly ribbon around the egg. And the teal and baby pink. Mmmm.


Can't decide between a bunny cake and an egg cake? Then how about both?

(By Royal Bakery)



These gilded sugar flowers are the prettiest pack of pastel pansies I've ever, er ... peered at:

(By Dollymix Cupcakes)



Of course you can never have just two bunny cakes, though; they tend to multiply like... well, you know. (Dry cleaner hangers.)

(By Sweet Disposition Cakes)

See, why can't cake rabbits multiply like rabbits? I'd take two dozen of this cutie!


And if you tossed in a bunch of these Tickled Buns, too, I wouldn't complain:

(By Sogni di Zucchero)

Lookit dat face! What do you think bunny giggles sound like? I bet it's a mixture of hedgehog hiccups and squeaky frog squeaks, myself. (Yes, I have put some thought into this - why do you ask?)


If I saw this next cake sitting somewhere unprotected, I'd be hard pressed not to grab the top tier and make a run for it:

(By Cecile Crabot)

I mean, the whole thing is fabulous, but that egg house? ADORBZ.


I remember getting a new pastel dress each year for Easter - one time with a big white sun bonnet, even, uhthankyouverramuch - and this last cake is like all those frilly dresses and bonnets and lace-trimmed socks all magically mixed together:

(By Nana & Nana Cakes, tutorial here)


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sit here and sigh dreamily for a bit. Mmmm.


Happy Sunday, everyone! And as always, check out our Sunday Sweets Directory if you want to see which bakers in your area have been featured here on Sweets!


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