Sunday Sweets: Christmas Glee

Does all the holiday prep ever leave you feeling a little...


(By Kricky Cakes and Airbrush, Hungary)


Don't worry!
We have some ideas to perk you right up.

Let's start by hugging this well-dressed reindeer.
And maybe nibbling on his antlers.

(By Creme and Fondant, Germany)

Instant endorphins and a sugar rush!


How about a catnap?

(By Fiorella Balzamo, Italy)

Although, technically, I guess this is a mousenap.


You can let these two finish up your baking.

(By CakeHeaven by Marlene, Malta)

(I hear they need a taste tester.)


Perhaps it's time to start daydreaming about that post-holiday vacation?

(By Magical Cakes, New Zealand)

Don't forget your sunblock, Santa!


Have you tried to recruit some woodland creatures to mail your Christmas cards?

(By Aurelia's Cake, Scotland)

Well, maybe you should.


You could save a lot of energy if you just skipped the laundry and ran around naked.
What? You're too shy?

Well, start with this naked cake.

(By Viva la Tarta, Spain)

It's one of the prettiest I've seen.


If you really need to veg out, you could play with this snow globe.

(By Cake That Designs, United Kingdom)

Snowy fun without the frostbite!


If all else fails, just stare out the window for a while.

(By Made with Love, England)

Maybe you'll see something that inspires you.


Just remember to take care of yourself,
and I'm sure you'll be ready for these guys in no time.

(By Nasa Mala Zavrzlama, Serbia)


Whatever you do, we hope your holidays are Sweet!


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