For Our Veterans

It's Veterans Day!

The day we honor our veterans for their incredible service, sacrifice and commitment to our freedom.

These men and women deserve the best cakes money can buy.


Uh, we don't get a lot of those.

We get:


The Oven Mitt of Allegiance


Wrapping you in the protective embrace of freedom.


Roadkill of Liberty

I've named him Stares and Scrapes.


Patriotic Sperm


They do more before 9:00 AM than most sperm do all day!


Something Us 4 went in on together.

I know, I know. It should say "We 4."


Specs McPointy Head:


Patriotism gets pointy.


But, just like this Patriotic Boomerang,

drk_e.ow.usaccc2.jpg always comes back to this:


(By Cookie Bliss)

Thank you, Veterans!


And thanks to Lynn B., Kelly S., Marikae, Katrina R., Cynthia W., Heather O., Linda L., DRK, and Dana S., for recognizing our inalienable right to look at bad cakes for good people.


I went looking for an actual oven mitt of allegiance, but found something even better:

A Captain America cutting board!

Well, technically it's Captain America's shield, but you get the idea. And so pretty!


And from my other blog, Epbot: