Decorative Ding-a-Lings

It's National Ding-A-Ling Day, minions!

This is such a happy holiday.


A really…




REALLY happy holiday.

In fact, with all this holiday cheer coming at you, it's hard NOT to be happy to see these cakes.


Especially when they're so happy to see you!

Oops, hang on, I'm being told that "ding-a-ling day" actually refers to calling up your friends.

Like on a phone.

Who does THAT anymore?


Hopefully not this baker.

Although I guess a "Tex Message" is still reasonable. Hm. Yeah. OK, minions, you heard the holiday: let's get out there, "Tex" our friends, and wish them EVERY...



Thanks to Alisha M., Chicklet, Juli P., Stephanie L., Wendy & Emily, & Keith W. for bringing us full circle.


And for those of us who only use our phones to watch cute animal videos and/or Critical Role, check out these cutie-patootie unicorn stands!

You get all three for less than $9 Prime, so I just bought the set to use around the house!


And from my other blog, Epbot: