8 Insult Cakes That Backfired

They tried to be mean.

They failed.


This was supposed to say, "You're a traitor!"


"Drunken Loser"


"You Old Buzzard"


This one's almost accurate, if you think about it:

Like, "You get older, THEN dirt."



Aw, thanks!

What's a riddens?


And who's Noboby?


Here's a hint: That's not supposed to say, "shix."


Ooooh, "burn."

I prefer using people when they're alive, though.
Less messy.


Thanks to Anony M., Warren E., Donna Z., Mandi O., Mark S., Jenny C., Anony M., & Robin K., who now know the BEST insult is to congratulate someone on their crapping dog.


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