Even The Character Cakes Can't Handle 2020

I can't decide if it's refreshingly relevant or just depressing that bakers are making such accurate 2020 cakes, minions. Or am I the only one seeing myself in these?


The first person to say "rise and shine" gets a heel to the face.


Ah yes, the official facial expression of 2020. 

 Best worn while muttering, "Oh, of course, WHY AM I EVEN SURPRISED."

 That moment when you're super stressed and you KNOW eating cookies isn't going to solve anything... but you keep eating cookies anyway:


::chews faster::

When you start asking co-workers on Zoom if you look feverish:


"And then the rash gets REALLY weird over on my - hey, where'd you all go? ...guys?"

 And my personal favorite: what John and I look like on the couch every night:


Except John prefers his heels in a classic black.

Thanks to Becky H., DeLoris N., Jenna M., Mike K., & Grace R. for helping us celebrate that sinking sensation.


Speaking of couch life, if you've ever wanted a photo-realistic pillow of a chocolate chip cookie, then YOU ARE IN LUCK:

Cookie Throw Pillow

I'd pair it with this Cookie Monster pillow for maximum cuteness.


And from my other blog, Epbot: