In Which We Are Very, Very Sincere

It's National "Write A Letter Of Appreciation" Week, so let's take a moment to address those who make all of this possible: the bakers.

[cues sappy violin music]
[turns to face camera]
[looks very, 
very sincere]

Thank you, Bakery Wreckerator, for making every chocolate swirl look like poo:



For making cupcake cakes (patooie!) look more like ding-dongs:



For your consistent, unrealistic, and yet kind of awesome boob-to-belly ratios:


Dream on, Mama.


Thank you for never, EVER, calling to double check an order:


...especially when you can just slap a question mark on the end and call it good.


Thank you for standing firm in your belief that this is how to spell "birthday:"


Or this:


Or this:


Or this:


Whatever. It's not like you'll need to use that word much, anyway.


But most of all, Bakery Wreckerator, we want to thank you for that big smiling face:


It's literally the best.


And thanks also to Griffin, Robert W., Samantha G., Dave, Heather S., Ivy W., Lisa B., Stefanie F., & Anony M., who, out of alllll our wreckporters, are literally the most recent.


You know what goes great with thank you notes? Smelly things.

And from all the rave reviews, apparently this banana bread & hazelnut candle smells AMAZING. But more importantly, if you give it as a gift you get to watch their faces as they read the label:

"Smell My Nuts" Mason Jar Candle



And from my other blog, Epbot: