Take A Bow, Then Take Notes, Bakers

♫ Why is there so much stuff
Wrong with this rainbow?



And what's with the spiky side?



♪ Rainbows have colors
In a certain order


But rainbows have no black to hide


♫ Still these are sold
and if you can believe it



There's more in this song, wait and see!



♪ Someday we'll find one
A rainbow confection



The bakers, Vince Vega, and me:

Vince Vega.gif

Thanks to Anony M., Becca C., Leslie R., Aimee S., Bethany K., Judy C., and all of these bakers for making Kermit cry. You monsters.


P.S. How about a rainbow of Muppet socks to make up for all... that.

Muppets Ankle Sock 6 Pk


And from my other blog, Epbot: