My Friend The Witch Baker Has A Way With Words

I told the witch baker I was in love with you


And then the witch baker, he told me what to do

He told me..



Ting! Tang!







Walla Walla Bing Bang!


Thanks to Misty B., Jenny W., Kayleigh S., Anony M., Susie M., Denis S., Carmen N., Bonny B., Dora M., & Mary W. for that pregnant pause.


P.S. It's time again for me to sing the praises of my amazing sleep headphones:

Bluetooth Sleep Headphones

I listen to boring audio books on these every night to keep my brain from spinning out of control, which works wonders for my insomnia. These things have been a life saver: comfy enough for side sleeping, not too loud like some of my old speakers, doubles as an eye mask to block the light, and they only cost $20 Prime.


And from my other blog, Epbot: