A Thank You Note To Wreckerators

I'd like to take a moment to thank the people who've made the last 12 years of my life possible:

The wreckerators.


Dear Wreckorators,
Hi. It's me again.
Listen, I know you're busy...




...and I don't want to distract you...


So close.


...but I want you to know how much we all appreciate you.
Because you're specail.
EXTRA specail.



Without you, the world would never have experienced the glory of edible baby butts:



Or known that balloons could look this much like sperm:



And brides-to-be wouldn't lose nearly as much sleep.



Plus, without you, wreckerators, I wouldn't question my ability to spell "congratulations" on a near-daily basis.


Is this right? I've got 173 more unpublished misspellings of this word waiting in the archives, so... I HAVE NO IDEA.


Yes, wreckerators, you've made the world a vastly more interesting place, and I for one love it.

Here's to us being Best Buds literally forever:


Or literally in center.

That works, too.


Thanks to Susan H., Debi E., Erika P., Bria C., Tess B.,Virgina B., KM, & Michelle E. for reminding us just how sad a wreck-less life would be.


P.S. I like to have fun cards on hand for thank you notes and birthdays and whatnot, and I thought you might like my latest purchase:

Fancy Wildlife All-Occasion Cards

Please note the fancy chicken. And the elephant carrying a stack of waffles. You get 20 of these beauties - with envelopes - for $13 Prime, plus there are a dozen MORE art styles to choose from, like "Funky Rainbow Cats" and "Wild Kisses" - which you really shouldn't look at while drinking coffee. Ermergersh.