These Ghosts Are SO COOL

Sure, Halloween gets all the hype, but did you know TONIGHT is actually the spookiest night of the year?

That's right, minions, tonight... is Haunted Refrigerator Night.






How do you know if your fridge is haunted? EASY. Just peek inside, and if you see the doorway to Gozer's temple, it's totes haunted.

But what about the refrigerated cases in bakeries? Can THOSE be haunted?


I'd call that a big "yes."

In fact, sometimes if you listen closely to the display case, you'll hear messages from the beyond:


Those poltergeists, such pranksters. 

You know how in scary movies there's always a face in the bathroom mirror?


This one's eyes even follow you! No really. Try leaning waaaay over in your chair. 

Now the other way. 

Has anyone asked what you're doing yet? 

No? Rats. Never mind.

Or how about that thing in movies where someone notices something odd from across the room, and moves closer to investigate?

Oh heck no, I know a Hell Mouth when I see one. [yelling through megaphone] BACK AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE CAKE.  ...AND LEAVE A FORK.

So remember, minions, tonight is all about keeping your cool. And if you DO see anything suspicious in your fridge:


Just do what I do: close the door and tell John we're getting pizza. In fact, your safest course is to do that ANYWAY, really. So go, save yourself! Eat pizza!

Thanks to Alacia E., T.B., Lucy M., Erin, I.B., & Tara U. for our weirdest excuse to get take-out yet. I can't wait to explain this one to John.

Oh, and if you need help convincing your SO the fridge is haunted, then I've got just the thing. Have you seen those magnetic poetry words? Well, it turns out there are soooo many more varieties beyond "poetry."

Magnetic Poetry Kit

There are more obscene options - and really sweet ones, too! - but "whoop ass" will never not be funny to me. Plus I'd invent a whole back story of a tiny belligerent ghost that lives in our crisper drawer and judges our food choices. Ha! Ohh, look out, John, I feel a new hobby coming on.


And from my other blog, Epbot: