A Thank You Note To Wreckerators

I'd like to take a moment to thank the people who've made the last 12 years of my life possible:

The wreckerators.


Dear Wreckorators,
Hi. It's me again.
Listen, I know you're busy...




...and I don't want to distract you...


So close.


...but I want you to know how much we all appreciate you.
Because you're specail.
EXTRA specail.



Without you, the world would never have experienced the glory of edible baby butts:



Or known that balloons could look this much like sperm:



And brides-to-be wouldn't lose nearly as much sleep.



Plus, without you, wreckerators, I wouldn't question my ability to spell "congratulations" on a near-daily basis.


Is this right? I've got 173 more unpublished misspellings of this word waiting in the archives, so... I HAVE NO IDEA.


Yes, wreckerators, you've made the world a vastly more interesting place, and I for one love it.

Here's to us being Best Buds literally forever:


Or literally in center.

That works, too.


Thanks to Susan H., Debi E., Erika P., Bria C., Tess B.,Virgina B., KM, & Michelle E. for reminding us just how sad a wreck-less life would be.


P.S. Are you looking to express your love and appreciation to someone this week, too? Then here's the gift that's literally worth its weight in gold this week:

Romantic Toilet Paper

Now that's love.


And from my other blog, Epbot: