That's One Way To Liven Up A Back-To-Work Party

WARNING: There are some not-nice words in this post. Guard the innocent!

It's National Etiquette Week, minions, and with so many of us spending all this extra time at home, I worry our social skills might be taking a slight hit.



I guess when we're not around other real live humans much, we can get a little... blunt?


... and forget that SOME things should never be said out loud.


Mostly because no one knows what a "Country Nerf Loser" even is.

(Maybe it's related to a "Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herder"?)

 Anyone else starting to forget your friends' names?


"It's either that or Ashley, I think. Tell you what, just add a question mark so there are no hard feelings."

That reminds me - and listen very closely on this one, minions - if you know more than one Sarah, remember that her name IS STILL JUST SARAH:



Not cool.

It may be hard to remember all the social niceties after this much time alone and bra-less, but I promise it'll all come to us with practice. And think of all the belated birthdays we'll get to celebrate! Just remember: work parties probably have boundaries, too.


"Cake in the break room!"

"Can I cut you a slice, Father?"

Thanks to Anony M., Stacie M., Courtney H., Kelly R., Amanda K., & Holly K. for getting all that fondant off her chest.


P.S. Is anyone to the point where you're tempted to start dressing up the cat? Because this looks hilarious:

Cowboy Costume For Your Dog/Cat

Or, for a more sophisticated option:

Pizza Slice Pet Suit


And from my other blog, Epbot: