John and I play a lot of video games because we make excellent life choices, and last night was a particularly Jen kind of game. I was completely lost, fumbling around and stuck on a wall, muttering "Where am I? What room is this? WHAT IS HAPPENING?" - all in a game I've been playing for 2 years now - and John joked, "You watch, you'll get Play of the Game for this."


Meaning 11 real live strangers on the internet watched an instant replay of my character walking into a wall and spinning in circles to the sound of a triumphant victory fanfare, all with my user name emblazoned onscreen in giant glowing letters.

John actually got light-headed, he laughed so hard. I had to remind him to breathe.

My point here, of course, is that brainless moments of personal embarrassment should always be witnessed - nay, celebrated - by strangers on the internet.




And my personal favorite:

[plays Triumphant Victory Fanfare]


Thanks to Katherine V., Carolyn H., Mindy V., Stacy M., & Alicia F. for making me feel much better about my video game skills. And yes, to my fellow gamers looking for confirmation: it *was* Overwatch. TOR MAIN FOREVAHHHHH.


P.S. Need a cool gift for the person who has everything? Then how about a card that transforms into a bouquet:

Fresh Cut Pop-Up Bouquet, "Pumpkin Harvest"

I've been raving about Fresh Cut Paper for a while now, and they just added two new Fall designs: this "Pumpkin Harvest" bouquet:

...and a pop-up wreath!? Ohhh, this is cool:

When I send my grandmother cards she likes to tack them up up on her wall, so I just sent her this one, which is meant to hang up, and doubles as pretty Fall decor. There are more styles, too, so go see all the Fresh Cut Paper designs here.


And from my other blog, Epbot: