6 Signs Halloween Is Coming

There's a chill in the air, minions, and not just from your in-law's latest text.
Nope, Fall is here, and with it, all the classic signs:


- Bad Apples:


Seedy characters, no matter how you slice it.


- Rabid Pumpkins


ERMERGOURD, this is one pumpkin-spiced foam you'll want nothing to do with, trust me.


- Two girls in frilly skirts lying on the ground with their feet chopped off:


Yes, oddly specific, but I don't decide the signs; I just report 'em.


- Poop floating UPstream:


Eerie, isn't it?


- Black cats being sucked into whirling pea-soup vortexes:


That's a can't-miss sign, right there.


But the #1 way you know Halloween is coming?


Angry sperm.


Thanks to Sarah C., Ricky T., Isha J., Marisa S., Heather V., & Kristy T. for going with the flow.


P.S. I don't usually buy seasonal t-shirts, but as the owner of a black cat, I can tell you this one's appropriate year-round:

Cat's Got Your Knife T-Shirt

Lots more colors at the link.