Sunday Sweets: A Dad's Day Ditty


get down

to business!

To defeat... er, celebrate


(Posted here, but the baker isn't listed. Anyone know?)

All together now!

Be a man!

(By Callicious Cakes)

We must be swift as

the coursing river!

(By Cutsie Cupcakes)

With all the Force


Of a great typhoon!

(By Glenn Rinsky)

Be a man!

(By The Cake Whisperer)

With all the strength

Of a raging fire!

(By Cake Central member Anastasien)

Mysterious as the

Dark side of the mooooon!

(By Martha Makes Cakes)

Happy Father's Day, dads. Thanks for being you.

(By Cake Central member Lueet)

And since you're going to have the song stuck in your head all day anyway:



 P.S. It's time again for me to sing the praises of my amazing sleep headphones:

Bluetooth Sleep Headphones

I listen to boring audio books on these every night to keep my brain from spinning out of control, which works wonders for my insomnia. These things have been a life saver: comfy enough for side sleeping, not too loud like some of my old speakers, they double as an eye mask, AND they're 20% off this week!