No Excuses? Here, Try These

Dear Jen,

Help! It's July and there are no good holidays coming up, plus no birthdays in my family, and I WANT CAKE. Can you help?

- Cakeless in Cincinnati


Dear Cakeless,

My dear wrecky minion, you've come to the right place. Fact is, there are lots of excuses for cake, if you only learn to celebrate the little things in life.

A few suggestions:


Depending on your fiber intake, I bet some of you could celebrate this EVERY day.


My '99 Nokia Still Works!


Leslie claims this was supposed to say "Old friends are the best." But think about it: can you play Candy Crush on your friends while you're pooping? NO YOU CANNOT.

I rest my case.


It Was Just a Heat Rash!


Time will tell.

(Actually, Rebecca tells me this was supposed to say "Baby." Is she telling the truth? Mmmm... PERHAPS.)


I'm A Pleasant Dining Companion!


Especially while eating cake.


That Thing Is Over!


SUCH a relief, am I right?


But maybe none of these apply to you, Cakeless. 
In that case, here's one for just about everybody:

Not Dead Yet!


In fact, I think we should all congratulate each other for not being dead yet.

So, congratulations, guys.

And sorry, ghosts-with-internet-access.


Thanks to Alyssa V., Rebecca W., Leslie M., Emilie F., Scott D., & Kat R. for the perfect excuse.


And now, our product placement of the day!