Oh Captain I Captain

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess the bakery had room:



If you love communication breakdowns on cakes as much as I do, then prepare for an eye-full:


Give it a second.

Theeeere it is.


Before I show you Sara's cake, here's her explanation over on Twitter:


So just to be clear, this was supposed to say, "Happy Birthday Julie & Wes."




And finally, Alesha asked her baker to draw a high heel on her cake - so, something kind of like this:



Instead, she got this:


Of course, we have to take Alesha's word on the high heel thing; I still say that's a feminine travel urinal.

(Seriously, google "feminine travel urinal" and tell me I'm wrong. And stop looking at me like that. LOTS of people know what feminine travel urinals look like, Ok? LOTS OF THEM.)


Thanks to Emma Cal, Brianna T., Sara, & Alesha G. for being my #1 fans.