The Easter Bizarre

I know we've been seeing some odd Easter treats this week, so today I thought we'd get back to basics.

After all, nothing beats a nice, time-honored, classic Easter...

...loaf of bread.


Yep, Easter is now infecting spreading its cheer throughout the entire bakery!

Just look at this happy character:

Cocaine Bunny sez:


"I'm your monkey fighting FANTASY! Just check the tag." [sniff]

Other bakeries are endorsing bunny-cide in more...creative ways:

Because the Alien chest-burster scene always makes me hungry.


Speaking of which, this one gives a whole new meaning to "Alien face hugger":

When it comes to spotting Wrecks, he's all ears.


Next we have the traditional Trojan Rabbit:

Just don't leave it unsupervised come nightfall.


Thanks to Christine C., Sue, Bliss B., Ali M., & Shannon C., who think two Monty Python references in two days is just wrong. After all, everyone knows THREE is the number thou shalt count.


Spring means spring-cleaning, and this storage chain I featured a few years ago in Epbot's "10 Clever Ways To Display Plush Toys" is still a best-seller:

Toy Chain Organizer
You can use it to clip up toys, hats, scarves, gloves, greeting cards - anything lightweight you can fit a clip around. For under $20 it's a great way to use awkward spaces in closets, behind doors, or even swagged over a bed or desk.