The Game Where Everybody Wins

It's "Take A Wild Guess Day," minions, and I've got a real humdinger of a round lined up for you, mwuahahaaa.

Let's start with an easy one:


I know, I'm surprised bakers would make something so controversial, too.

Not to mention take such obvious political pot-shots with their cupcake cakes (patooie!):


Eeesh. That's a bold stance.

Once you know what this next one is supposed to be, it actually makes very little sense:


How are those wild guesses coming, by the way? I'll list the answers I have at the bottom.

"Papa" here is just begging for a back story:


And while you're at it, please give me a plausible explanation for this bakery display that's haunted me for years:

Or if not a plausible explanation, at least a funny one. ::evil grin::

(I know what Tiffany blue is, and I agree the cake is not Tiffany blue... but beyond that I'm lost.)


This next one is actually pretty well done... which somehow makes it even funnier:


Kendra found this in the bakery case, so it's either a rejected custom order or a baker having a REALLY interesting daydream. Um. What occasion calls for glowing pyramid heads and approaching meteors?

 And finally, let's go back to guessing what the cake is supposed to be with this groom's cake from someone's actual wedding:



You know, if you squint and back up it actually has an adorable little face and leafy arms. D'awww.

So, how'd you do? I'm sure your guesses are way more entertaining than the truth, but here come the answers that I know:

1) I seriously have no idea. Maybe a psychedelic avocado?  2) A fish? Definitely maybe a fish. 3) Ballet shoes. 4) A golf course. 5) Something that isn't Tiffany Blue.  6) Stargate II: Electric Boogaloo (You got me: I have no idea.)  7) A ski hill. (Really.)

Thanks to LVB, Amy T., Aubrey T., Sheri G., Kate M., Kendra C., & Katja for that downhill slide.