Oh My, Fair Lady

OK, everyone! It's time to channel your best Eliza Doolittle!


All I want is a womb somewhere



I wish you people wouldn't stare

(Excuse me! I'm gestating here!)


Maybe a slit right there?

Now, woooouldn't that be loverly?


There'll be leftovers you won't eat

(Hey! This cake was half off!)


Might I suggest a piece wif feet?

(Cannibalism goes down so much better when it's camouflaged.)


Moms are a tasty treat

("Mom-to-be gets the first slice!")


Aren't beeeeelly cakes just...




Wombfelt thanks to Chris W., Angela P., Dotty McK., Nurse Katie, Tia B., Jes R., and Sasha H., who really know how to deliver a great picture.