Sunday Sweets: Seuss Day Treats

If your one fish has a new fish he's about to roll away,

(By Sweet Discoveries)


And your Lorax speaks for trees because he has so much to say,

(By 4 Kids Cakes, featured here)


And your cake's all topsy turvy since the Things got in the way,

(By A Wish and a Whisk)


Then I think that we must all agree today's a special day!

(By La Dolce Dough)


And if Horton's feeling worried because dust has gone astray,

(By Frosted Cakery)


And Sam-I-Am insists that you eat food you'd throw away,

(By Dakota's Custom Confections)


When the fish surveys the wreckage of his house with pure dismay,

(By Alison F., featured here)


Then there must be a good reason why today's a special day!

(By Fancy That Cake)


If you're floating through the cool air of a sky that's never gray,

(By Dream Day Cakes)


And the hopping kids are asking if their Pop can come and play,

(By Say It With Sugar, featured here)


When all these wondrous stories come alive with things to say,

(By Cuteology Cakes)


Then I guess it's time to celebrate a Dr. Seuss birthday!

(By Let Them Eat Cake)


Happy Sunday!


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