Blink 182 And You'll Miss It

Brian J. wanted his baker to make him a Blink 182 cake.

Specifically, this Blink 182 cake:


This is Cake Wrecks.

That's probably not gonna happen.

Instead, this happened:

A picture of a Blink 182 cake... on a cake.

But can we take this farther?



How about a picture of a Blink 182 cake... on a cake... on a shirt?

Then a picture of a Blink 182 cake...

on a cake

on a shirt

on Blink 182:

Yeeeah. Now we're cookin'.

But just to bring it back full circle:

A picture of a Blink 182 cake...

on a cake

on a shirt

on Blink 182


My work here is done.

Thanks to Brian J., who's probably wondering if I wrote this just so Jen and I could call this cake a business expense.


Yes I did.

(Shhh. It's tax season. LET ME HAVE THIS.)


P.S. Brace yourself for our cheesiest product review yet:

King Arthur Better Cheddar Cheese Powder

So John is a popcorn fanatic, and has spent a lifetime sampling every kind of cheese popcorn he can find. His all-time favorite is from a mall kiosk called Doc Popcorn, where they pop and mix it fresh, but he reports the next best thing is adding this cheese powder to a bag of microwave popcorn. (Also makes a phenomenal cheese sauce, just add butter and milk!)