Dear Santa... It's Complicated

[WARNING: Bad word ahead! Clear out the kids!]



Today is the start of Dear Santa week, so time to get those letters out to St. Nick, minions!


This is when you tell Santa how you didn't murder anyone this year even though you really really wanted to, so you totally deserve that Benedict Cumberbatch body pillow and lifetime subscription to Wicked Whoopies. You know, just as a "for instance."

[side eye]

Of course, personally assessing your own "good" or "bad" behavior beyond non-murder can be a little dicey. I mean, who HASN'T slipped up from time to time


or accidentally said what they were thinking out loud


or sent an in-law a giant horse's.... butt?


Ahh, but not to worry! One baker has done all the work for us this year, perfectly summing up our collective behavior during 2018 in a single, surprisingly eloquent cookie cake:


But there were extenuating circumstances, Santa, honest.


Thanks to Mark M., Alyssa P., Jennifer D., & Jodi N. for the capital letter.


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And from my other blog, Epbot: