Sunday Sweets: 11 Bright & Bold Cakes For Spring

Forget May showers; whaddaya say we bust out some sweet flowers?


(By Lulu's Sweet Secrets)

 And get this: those are sugar flowers. Which are better than real flowers because

a) SUGAR, and

b) they last pretty much forever.

Or at least until you accidentally drop one on a tile floor. o.0


More flowers, MOAR WHIMSY!


(By Ron Ben-Israel)

 You know, I have a friend who actually doesn't like topsy-turvy cakes. 

To which I say, "Look at this cake, Renee. LOOK AT IT."

I rest my case.


 This one's a little funky, but the more I look at it, the more I like it:


(By Rick of CakeLava)

Like a pencil sketch come to life, right? With watercolor flowers? 


Such Spring. Much cake. Wow.


(By Bellaria Cakes Design)



We now interrupt these flowery spring cakes to bring you a mustachioed owl wearing a monocle.  Because reasons.


(By Cake Nouveau)

"Who, me?"


Also, an adorable cake camper:


(By Sweet Love Cake Couture)

The bitty bunting! The birthday license plate! The heart hitch! This should totally be a little birdhouse. (You've seen the little camper birdhouses, right? So. CUTE.)


This one looks like a painting come to life:


(By Gimmie Some Sugar)

So succulent!

(See what I did there?)


Springtime in Paris? Mais oui!


(By Lulu Cake Boutique)

Loving the color gradient, and those flowers! Ack! SO PERFECT.


Sometimes you just need a little bright & cheery neon ... and sometimes you need a lot.


(By Sweet Grace Cake Designs)

Aww yeeeah. That's the stuff.

(The pink and orange stencils!)

Of course, there are also times you need Grumpy Bear sitting on a rainbow. BECAUSE MORE REASONS:


(By Celebrate With Cake)

We'll just call this the April Showers cake, K?


And finally, it doesn't get much bolder or brighter than this Fiesta-inspired number!


(By Calamity Cakes, more party pics here)

LOOK AT THOSE COLORS! And the ruffles! And the crepe paper flower! I can't decide if I want to eat it or wear it! (Though the way I eat, I could easily do both. Yep. Hand-to-mouth coordination: I lack it.)


Hope you enjoyed today's springy eye candy, guys!  Happy Sunday!


P.S. That little camper cake reminded me of this:

Tiny Vintage Camper Container

It claims to be a pen holder, but from the reviews I'd say it's more suited to something shorter, like lip glosses. Or I'd put yellow silk flowers in it, because how cute & cheery would that be?


And from my other blog, Epbot: