Sunday Sweets... In... SPAAAACE!

Today’s Sweets are dedicated to everyone who reaches for the stars... and then feels a bit peckish.


(By Anna Vasilyeva)

Excited? Why, this astronaut is over the moon!



(By Cake Studio Rouge)

Gorgeous shading, and that number constellation? BRILLIANT.


So it turns out making a perfect globe out of cake is just a little difficult.

By which I mean you have to be a magician with an advanced degree in structural engineering.



(Submitted By Jennifer W. Baker unknown. Anyone know?)

Or talent. You know, one or the other.


And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that fabulous Jupiter cake that went viral a while back. It's even pretty INSIDE:


(By Cakecrumbs, which has a Youtube tutorial here)


And now, the cutest little space kid and rocket ship EVAH:


(By Viva La Cake)

Why does the astronaut have little doggie ears?* I don't know. BUT I LOVE THEM. And that rocket!
Ack! I want a miniature version on a necklace, stat.

[*Apparently those are ponytails. Which I guess makes a LITTLE more sense than doggie ears. ;)]


Also digging this steampunk style ship:


(By Sugarrealm)

Check out all the rivets!


Not a great picture, but I've always loved this alien abduction cake:


(By Leigh Henderson)

It reminds me of those cow abduction lamps. Ha! Remember those?
Anyway, the plexiglass pillar is genius, and there's even an alien inside one of the windows!


I'm sure we all remember how a space shuttle cake can go very, very wrong, so I'm pleased as punch to see a beauty like this:


(By Scrumptious Cakes)

There's a tiny solar system on the middle tier, and constellations cover the bottom. Lovely!


One more the NASA buffs:


(By Cake Central user Careyl)

Best rocket cake I've seen - it looks like a model!


Speaking of which, my friend Jason of Red Rocket Farm paints robots and - you guessed it - the CUTEST red rockets. So naturally, this reminded me of him:


(By Sweet Disposition Cakes)

That's for you, Jason & Teeter. (Now, paint me more rockets, dangit!)


Who says a space cake needs fancy sculpting and modeling skills? Sometimes all you need is an airbrush and a tank load of talent:


(By Merely Sweets)

Great galloping galaxies! Now THAT is a wedding cake.


And finally, it's only fitting that I end with a space cake that defies gravity:


(By Erin Eason)



Happy Sunday, everyone! Here's hoping your weekend has been out of this world.


Here's a stellar (eh?) gift for anyone who loves astronomy: solar system bracelets! I like that they're subtle, so folks have to look twice to realize you need your space.

Solar System Bracelets

Even better, they come in a bunch of different styles - chain, elastic, adjustable cord - and only cost $10 each!


And from my other blog, Epbot: