8 Bakers Failing At Ridiculously Simple Tasks

You had one job, bakers:





[head in hands]


My eyes!


I'm always hearing how cakes should come with spell check. Um, guys?

This one did.


Q: How easy is it when all you have to do is pipe a little path for Strawberry Shortcake to stand on?

A: Apparently not easy enough.



I don't know why, but this one made me laugh like an unhinged maniac:

"Almost... there... almoooost... AW SCREW IT."


Then I found this one:


My life, it is now complete.


Thanks to a Melissa H., Rae, Raynn, Julia K, Rebecca H., Christi O., Mary A., & Reginia B. for the borderline insanity.


P.S. Since this saved my butt during a long painting day recently, I have a random product recommendation:

No Buckle No-Show Stretch Belt

This is my new favorite belt, y'all. It basically turns anything with belt loops into an elastic waist. So comfy I forget it's on, slimline so it doesn't show under my t-shirts, and NO BELT BUCKLE to dig into my belly or unbuckle for bathroom breaks. Woohoo!

You know how stretch jeans are forever sliding down when you sit or bend, so you have to keep hitching them back up? No more! I wear this with all my jeans now. It's entirely elastic, so it moves and stretches with you, zero painful digging. I HIGHLY recommend for anyone well endowed with squish in the belly area.


And from my other blog, Epbot: