8 Bakers Failing At Ridiculously Simple Tasks

You had one job, bakers:





[head in hands]


My eyes!


I'm always hearing how cakes should come with spell check. Um, guys?

This one did.


Q: How easy is it when all you have to do is pipe a little path for Strawberry Shortcake to stand on?

A: Apparently not easy enough.



I don't know why, but this one made me laugh like an unhinged maniac:

"Almost... there... almoooost... AW SCREW IT."


Then I found this one:


My life, it is now complete.


Thanks to a Melissa H., Rae, Raynn, Julia K, Rebecca H., Christi O., Mary A., & Reginia B. for the borderline insanity.


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And from my other blog, Epbot: