My Uncle Thought He Was Saint Jerome

We watched one of my all-time favorite movies, Ghostbusters, today and I think that calls for a song... about calling people.

[tuning up 80s synthesizer]

♪ If there's something strange
in your neighborhood

::aggressive jazz hands::

Who you gonna call?


♬If there's something weird

And it don't look good
(There's a hole in this cake.)

Who you gonna call?


I ain't afraid of no ghost!

Pretty sure that's a penguin...


I ain't afraid of no ghost!

Okay, who brought the dog?


♬If you're seeing things
running through your head



Who you gonna call?



♪ An invisible man
Sleeping in your bed

(He said he wanted to snuggle, but I saw right through him.)

Who you gonna call?


Thanks to Mackie, Jeanne, Mandy D., Andrea E., Laureen, Sarah A., Kit, and Kirk K. who is apparently also not a fan of ducks:

I suspect fowl play.


P.S. Have you seen this adorable Mini Stay Puft in a cappuccino cup? SO CUTE: 

Funko Mini Puft in Cappuccino


And from my other blog, Epbot: