What John Does When I Tell Him To Write A Post

I told John it was his turn to take the wrecky wheel, and in response he sent me these pictures.

::deep sigh::

So here we go.


And now...

John Photoshops Bad Star Wars Cakes

Into The Wrong Scenes Just To Mess With Jen





Honestly an improvement to this scene. Ha! JOKE'S ON YOU, JOHN.


Thanks to Amanda, Jessica D., & Anony M. for giving us all a baaaad feeling about this. And also making me crave a flaming BB-8 smore cupcake for some reason.


Unlike these wrecks, this LEGO set is adorable:

LEGO Star Wars AT-AT vs Tauntaun

Lookit the little AT-AT! And the Luke-warm Tauntaun! I'm not into the big sets so much, but I'd get these to display on my desk.


And from my other blog, Epbot: