10 MORE Reasons Why

Today is a special day, minions.

A day... TO BUY CAKE.


Because they didn't have the OTHER cake:


Because all the turkey cakes are sold out:


Because it's gonna be a loooong tractor ride:


Because you've put off this party long enough:


Because they can't call it passive aggressive if it's literally written in sugar:


Because the team needs a refresher:


Because you DO got milk:


Because you're not sorry:


But the real reason you should buy cake today?

Because it's wrong to buy people.

And also yours might end up on Cake Wrecks. :D


Thanks to Cara G., Christina S., Kyle I., Becky B., Krystle M., Diana C., Whitney R., Jill V., MJ, & Heather F. for helping us rationalize any purchase today. You're the real MVPs!


Speaking of celebrations, years ago John and I served a magical Pensieve Potion at one of our parties, and the shimmer dust I used to make it has been one of your top sellers ever since. THIS STUFF IS SO FUN, y'all:

  Super Pearl Shimmer Dust

I prefer the Super Pearl over a color, because then you can add a drop of food coloring to make any or ALL the colors. You only need the tiniest bit even for a big punch bowl, so this little $8 container should last you several parties, easy.