Cool Story, Bra

WARNING: Despite my best efforts, today's post is probably NSFW. Sorry/you're welcome.


[running in]


Did you hear?


Granted, roughly half the population celebrates No Bra Day every day, but for the REST of us - the ones forever tugging at shoulder straps and forgetting where we stashed our chapstick - this is huge.

I'm talking, back-side-of-Daleks huge!


(What, you don't see two Dalek backsides here? 
Fine, I'll skip the "EX-TERM-LAC-TATE!")

That's right, my under-wire caged friends, today we can be free! Unencumbered! And dare I say, a lot more jiggly!

Yep, it's time to let loose and feel the breeze on our...


Whoops that's a butt.

(But it fooled you for a second, too, right?)

Where was I. 

Oh, right! Cool breezes!

But maybe not this cool. 


::carefully crossing arms::

Now, obviously there are a lot of boob cakes for me to choose from today, but I'm trying to keep this safe for work. Bad enough I'm about to be blamed for a bunch of lacy new cubicle decorations out there. ("They're, uh, paperclip holders!")

So listen, if anyone asks, these are tiny tablecloths with pink sunhats on them:


Yup. Teeeeny tiny hats.

And this is two babies looking up:


Aw look, they're wearing matching bonnets! So cute.

And THIS, of course, is a flower:


Juuuuust a flower.

And finally, on a COMPLETELY unrelated note, let's hear it for all the scholarly achievers out there celebrating No Bra Day:


::throws confetti::

Thanks to Shannon S., Amber W., Sarah F., Anna H., Nadya S., Sharyn F., & Stephanie W. for keeping us abreast of all the best holidays.


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 Visiting Amazon through those links will help support the site, and costs you nothing. Thanks, guys!

And from my other blog, Epbot:

In Which We Try To Come Up With New Ways To Say "Nailed It"

The baker swore she could recreate this Mad Hatter cake:



And yet...


To quote Aimee, "Oh, and the cake was burnt." 
Well, somebody got burned, am I right?! HEYO! High five!


Don't leave me hanging...



Amber wanted this Mickey Mouse cake for a second birthday party:


Trouble is, she asked the baker to make it out of buttercream instead of fondant, which we all know would require a magic wardrobe, 3 fairies, and a photo of the Loch Ness Monster doing the Macarena.


Hey, wouldn't it be hilarious if I showed you guys a really amazing cake right now?


Yeah, that would've been funny.

And now, for the first time ever, Cake Wrecks proudly presents: 
An In-Depth Analysis of the Wreck®

Mostly Criscoertgertgertgretg.jpg

This has been: 
An In-Depth Analysis of the Wreck®


To keep things simple, Cheryl ordered the stock Hello Kitty design off the bakery's website, which looks like this:


You know how they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words?"

Well, in this case, a picture of a picture of a cake on a cake is worth about thirty bucks.



And finally, Angela writes, "This is what I wanted for the groom's cake..."

"...but in the color scheme of his drums, which is a green fade to lighter green with sparkles, like this:"


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... coughcoughcough... cough...


Oh. You were being serious? No, yeah, sure. That's tooootally gonna happen.



Well, look on the bright side, Angela; at least the baker didn't jam glow sticks into it like on your wedding cake. (Last one.) (Ahhh, good times.)


Thanks to Aimee R., Amber W., Cheryl S., & Angela for drumming up some new lolz.


Do you shop Amazon? Then how about clicking through my affiliate link to shop? USAUK, Canada.

 Visiting Amazon through those links will help support the site, and costs you nothing. Thanks, guys!

And from my other blog, Epbot: