Sunday Sweets Is For The Birds This Audubon Day

Friday is Audubon Day, Sweets fans, named for John James Audubon who was reportedly cuckoo for cuckoo birds. Well, all birds, really. So it's only fitting we look at cakes featuring our fine feathered friends.


 (Alena's Cakes

So pretty! Also today I learned that a budgie and a parakeet are the same bird. You tricksy English had me fooled for years.

We didn't have parakeets when I was growing up, but my family did have a cockatiel, an African Gray, and some little green thing my Dad taught to say, "I'm a duck, quack quack!"

(If you ever wondered where I got my sophisticated sense of humor, there's your answer.)

(That's right, from the bird.)


(Sharon Wee Creations, Australia)

I believe this cutie pie is a cockatoo, which is both my favorite type of parrot and apparently a fellow lover of the pina colada. Mmmm.

Have you ever had a relative who let slip one time that she likes something like butterflies or flamingoes or whatnot, and then that's all you gave her for the rest of your life?

That's the current plight of my grandmother and hummingbirds.


(The Sugar Alchemist, UK )

I bet she'd love this cake to go along with the 437 other hummingbird things I've given her over the years.

I've lived here in Florida nearly all my life, but just about everyone knows our state bird...


(Caramel Patisserie, Latvia)

... is the Northern Mockingbird? Wait WHAT 
:furiously googling::


I'm going to have to look at that gorgeous flamingo cake for a while to cool down. Just look how cute it is! You know what's NOT cute, Florida? The friggin' Northern Mockingbird, that's what. Seriously, the official google picture of a Northern Mockingbird has one with a worm in its beak, just to add some color.

John informs me I'm perhaps taking this Sweets assignment a little too seriously.




(Janette MacPherson's Cake Craft, Scotland)


Here comes me as a chicken:


(Lambert Academy of Sugar Craft, Canada)

Hei Hei is MY BOY, y'all, and if you haven't seen my Hei Hei costume then you are really missing out on the mental image of me in a Hei Hei costume.

::winkwink:: ::finger guns::

I also once wore a costume that was a mashup of David Bowie and an owl, if that better floats your proverbial boat. It certainly suits my purposes for this segue:


(Crazy Cakes, Prague)

Don't you just want to pet/snuggle her? I assume she's a her because she has that look I see a lot of moms get when they see their kids doing something they should probably intervene in, but frankly it's mildly entertaining so, eh, they'll give it another minute and see what happens.

Would you say this post is taking a swan dive?


(Fancy That Cake, Missouri)

If so, then this cake has rescued us, because WOW. The shimmery leaves! The glittery sprinkles! The teeny little crown!

 And now, your moment of verse:

Blue Bird of friendliness
Like guardian angels it's
Always near


(Murray Me, UK, permanently closed)

If you know that song, then you're welcome. Take 500 geek points.

If you don't know that song, then let me introduce you to Birdhouse In Your Soul, a catchy little tune that took me years to realize is about a nightlight. (Also I just watched the video today for the first time EVER, and wow does that not clear things up.)

Gosh, my fowl-loving friends, our time today has really flown.

Let's end with a stunning wedding cake to celebrate our love of birds, cake, friendship, puns, and the fact that this is NOT a cupcake cake:


(The Vintage Cake, New Jersey)

See, the cupcakes aren't connected, so it's technically not a cupcake cake (ptooie!). Instead lets call it a cupcake mosaic. That sounds cooler. And this cake is the coolest.

If my ramblings didn't make you smile today, gang, then I hope these Sweets did. Happy Sunday!


And speaking of Hei Hei check out our Epbot craft page for fun projects and tutorials: