Cake Wrecks, Too: The Search For Happ

It's "Hunt for Happiness Week," minions, and I think I'm off to a good start:

We're close. I CAN ALMOST FEE

(I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to know if Liz & Matt are... dogs?)


This one definitely wanted "happiness":

...but something decidedly non-happy has happened here.


Ohh, oh! What's this?!

YASSSSSSwait. "Shawers?"

Dangit. We were so close, Alanna.


Say, have I mentioned it's also Sugar Awareness Week?

And were you aware that you can Photoshop your own face and all your pets into a fantastically ridiculous edible image on a big sugary sheet cake?

Boom. We've done it, team. WE'VE FOUND HAPPINESS.


Thanks to Patty S., Melissa M., Alanna R., & Lauren for being 'bout that life. Me, too, gang. ME, TOO.


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And from my other blog, Epbot: